Brazil and Argentina join efforts to protect the jaguar

The focus/objective of this collaboration is to strengthen both countries’ institutional framework for the conservation of the species and to combat illegal trafficking.

The jaguar (yaguareté, panthera onca) is one of the most emblematic species in the Americas. However, its existence is threatened by the destruction of its habitats, a decrease in the number of its preys, and its poaching for various cultural, decorative, medicinal and domestic uses (CITES, 2021).

Jaguars regulate the size of other populations; hence, their reduction has an impact on the ecosystems they inhabit. In addition, at a cultural level, this species has a very important social and identity value for the peoples of the continent (CITES, 2021, p. 24). For many indigenous communities, the jaguar symbolizes strength and struggle, and is found in various mythologies, handcrafts and graphic arts.

As a result of all the above, countries have been carrying out several actions to protect them. For example, in 2020, Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, announced the initiative “Together for Jaguars” dedicated to “making efforts to maintain and increase the population of jaguars in the Misiones Rainforest (Argentina) and the Atlantic Forest (Brazil), and generating the necessary conditions for the American tiger to continue to roam the Atlantic Forest in Paraguay” (Vida Silvestre, 2020).

Cases which focus on the institutional framework for their protection also stand out at the national level. For example, Argentina has a very solid set of regulations with instruments such as the National Conservation Plan, which guides public policies and coordinates the various government levels to carry out actions for the protection of these felines and their environments in the three ecoregions where they live (Yungas, the region of Chaco and the Paranaense Forest) (, 2024). It should also be noted that Law Nº25463, passed in 2001, declared the jaguar a National Natural Monument.

South-South Cooperation has also strengthened policies in this field. Accordingly, the project “Binational Strategy for the Conservation of the Jaguar and to Combat its Illegal Trafficking”, was approved at the 5th Meeting of the Joint Commission on Technical Cooperation between Argentina and Brazil held in April 2023.

Since February, exchanges had been taking place between the various institutions which are in charge of natural parks and biodiversity conservation in both countries. These activities aimed to strengthen the already existing institutional framework, through instruments such as the National Conservation Plan for the Jaguar National Natural Monument (at the national level) or the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Jaguar in the green corridor of the province of Misiones (at the regional level).

Subsequently, in July 2023, the technical teams met again, this time to review issues such as the “implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); the impact and modalities of wildlife trafficking in both countries and in the region; profiles of wildlife traffickers; and patrolling actions” (, 2023). Additionally, a visit was made to the Iguazú National Park, in Brazil, and a training activity was carried out at the Foz de Iguazú International Airport.

Through this conservation strategy, Bilateral SSC developed by Argentina and Brazil contributed to the alignment of Ibero-American cooperation with SDG 15 (Life on land).

The following video, prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina, emphasizes on the importance to recover and conserve this species and describes the actions promoted in the framework of the National Biodiversity Strategy and the National Conservation Plan for the Jaguar National Natural Monument:

July 2024


Source: SEGIB based on Agencies and Directorates-General for Cooperation and (2024) (2023), Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, 2021) and Vida Silvestre (2020).

Photos: Uriel Soberanes in Unsplash and Ramon Vloon in Unsplash