Between 2022 and 2023, Peru implemented 287 cooperation initiatives. Two thirds of these exchanges were carried out through Bilateral SSC, 20% of the initiatives were executed through Regional SSC and 13% corresponded to Triangular Cooperation. This country’s dual role prevailed in most of its bilateral (45%) and regional (80%) initiatives while it mostly participated as recipient in Triangular Cooperation (72%). 

Peru mainly transferred its capacities in the Management of public finances; Trade and Agriculture and livestock sectors. As recipient, it was strengthened in Environment; Strengthening institutions and public policies; and Agriculture and livestock, among other topics. When it played a dual role, it mainly focused on Agriculture and livestock; Strengthening institutions and public policies; and Culture. 

Chile, Colombia and Ecuador were Peru’s main partners between 2022 and 2023. Its cooperation contributed to the achievement of SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions), SDG 2 (Zero hunger) and SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth). 

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