Cooperation on Culture as a multidimensional tool for development
Culture is recognized for its important contribution to individual and social transformation.

Culture has a key role to broaden the scope of social, economic and environmental policies (SEGIB, 2021a, p. 128). Although no specific Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is dedicated to culture, the 2030 Agenda makes an explicit recognition in SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and a reference to its cross-cutting capacity as a means to “leave no one behind”.
Ibero-American countries contribute to strengthen culture in the region through South-South and Triangular Cooperation. Specifically, 715 initiatives were implemented between 2007 and 2023, which accounted for about 7% of the region’s total cooperation in that period. Eighty-eight percent (88%) of this cooperation was implemented in the Bilateral SSC modality (632), while the remaining 12% was carried out through Regional (46) and Triangular (37) Cooperation.
In terms of its evolution over time, the first graph shows the initiatives that were associated with culture, by cooperation modality, and their share in the total number of exchanges in the analyzed period. The graph confirms the clear prevalence of Bilateral SSC over the Triangular and Regional modalities. It also shows a steady growth in cooperation to strengthen this sector: specifically, its participation increased from 4% in 2007 to almost 8% in 2023. This trend has remained constant throughout the entire period, with the exception of the most severe years of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021).
Evolution of SSC initiatives on culture, by modality. 2007-2023.
In units and percentage.

Source: SEGIB based on Agencies and Directorates-General for Cooperation.
It is also important to understand the specific topics that were addressed by the Bilateral SSC that was classified in the culture sector, and the type of public policies that the different initiatives have strengthened. The second graph shows that almost 30% of Bilateral SSC corresponds to actions, projects or programs to enhance countries’ capacities in terms of Historical and cultural heritage.
Thematic categories addressed by Bilateral SSC initiatives on culture. 2007-2023.
In units.

Source: SEGIB based on Agencies and Directorates-General for Cooperation.
Initiatives related to Heritage are followed by those on Cultural diplomacy (21%), understood as an instrument to promote intercultural dialogue and to strengthen relations between countries. It should be pointed out that the majority correspond to specific actions in the framework of Escuelas Chile and Escuelas México. This category also includes exchanges to teach Spanish to public officials, as Colombia does with countries in Asia or the Caribbean Basin.
Initiatives on Cultural and creative industries rank third (around 17%). These address various topics such as arts (cinematography; dance; and theater), crafts (design and marketing of handicraft products; leather goods systems; dyeing of textile and vegetable fibers, etc.), music (direction of symphonic orchestras and choirs; making and repairing stringed musical instruments; and national music plans), cultural tourism (promotion of cultural tourism routes), and intellectual property.
These are followed by cooperation on Interculturality, which shows how culture contributes to a greater recognition of the rights and identity of indigenous peoples, with emphasis on the promotion of linguistic diversity; the philosophy of “living well” (“buen vivir” in Spanish) and racial equity; and different social programs in health, gender and food security, among others.
Other initiatives focused on Cultural education, mainly on promoting Spanish teaching; the training of teachers in cultural management; the strengthening of cultural government institutions; and training in librarianship, among others.

In addition, it is important to highlight those exchanges related to the transforming power of culture for social change and the reduction of gaps and inequality. These include, for example, the strengthening of community libraries, youth choirs and orchestras, and the use of art to prevent violence and promote coexistence. Finally, other initiatives are related to Cultural planning and management. These, for example, seek to consolidate satellite accounts for culture; optimize legislation in this area; and generate decentralization processes that strengthen culture at the local level.
The third graph shows countries’ participation in Bilateral SSC initiatives in the culture sector and their role in this cooperation. The list is led by Mexico and Colombia, for which the provider role prevailed, in most cases.
Ibero-American countries’ participation in Bilateral SSC initiatives on culture, by role. 2007-2023.
In units.

Source: SEGIB based on Agencies and Directorates-General for Cooperation.
Specifically, Mexico focused much of its Bilateral SSC on the preservation of Cultural heritage (tangible and intangible), particularly on the protection of indigenous languages and cultures; the assessment of the impact of archaeological sites declared as world heritage; and the restoration of murals.
Colombia’s cooperation especially strengthened Historical and cultural heritage (museums, archives, traditions, etc.); Cultural and creative industries (strengthening craft production chains; performing arts; and music); and Cultural diplomacy (bilingualism programs with countries in the Caribbean Basin).
One third of Chile’s cooperation focused on Cultural diplomacy initiatives through the work done by Escuelas Chile, which seek to promote the development of a learning and collaboration community for school improvement in Latin-America and the Caribbean (Escuelas Chile, 2023). Its participation in Historical and cultural heritage was also noteworthy, addressing very heterogeneous topics such as the preservation of murals; the recovery and conservation of national monuments and archaeological heritage, among others.

Regarding the contribution of projects on culture to the 2030 Agenda, from 2015 to 2023, around 40% of the Bilateral SSC exchanges were mainly aligned with SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities). As mentioned above, the prevalence of this SDG is related to heritage conservation, specifically associated with target 11.4 related to “strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard it”.
On the other hand, 20% was aligned with SDG 4 (Quality education), through Escuelas Chile and Escuelas México —the programs to strengthen Spanish teaching—, and the scholarships granted by Cuba to Ibero-American students. Finally, 12% of Bilateral SSC on culture was aligned with SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth). These initiatives were mainly associated with Cultural and creative industries.
June 2024
Source: SEGIB based on Agencies and Directorates-General for Cooperation and SEGIB (2021, p. 128).
Photos: Ibero-American initiatives that strengthen Culture in the region: “Ibermemoria sonora y audiovisual” and “Ibercocinas”. Image bank on South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Ibero-America. SEGIB-PIFCSS. 2021.