Promotion of competitiveness and productivity through TC
Through its Wood and Forestry Technological Innovation Centres (CITE, by its acronym in Spanish), the Peruvian Ministry of Production strengthens the country’s industrial sector.

To promote the competitiveness and productivity of the wood and furniture industry in Ecuador and Peru, the project “Strengthening the ecosystem and knowledge transfer to the actors of dual training in the wood and furniture industry Peru-Ecuador” was approved in 2021. At the institutional level, the Technological Institute of Production (ITP, by its acronym in Spanish) was in charge, through the Centre for Productive Innovation and Technological Transfer of Wood (CITEmadera, by its acronym in Spanish), the Formados Corporation of Ecuador, the Ecuadorian Association of Wood Industrialists (AIMA, by its acronym in Spanish) and the GIZ (Germany).
Dual training combines technical-theoretical learning in the training center with practical and applied learning in a company (German Technical Cooperation – GIZ, 2020). In this case, with the support of the GIZ and Ecuador, Peru will be able to count on qualified human capital to meet the high demand of the sector, also reducing the high costs that MSMEs must face for the training of their collaborators and workers (Digital Platform of the Peruvian State for Citizen Guidance, 2022).
The initiative began in 2022 and closed in 2024 and has as its antecedent the dual training programme for operators in the wood and furniture industry (at auxiliary, technical and professional levels), implemented by the Programme Contribution to the Environmental Goals of Peru – ProAmbiente II from 2019 to 2021 (Digital Platform of the Peruvian State for Citizen Orientation, 2022). During these years, CITEmadera and other forestry sector institutions learned about the experience of dual training in carpentry in Germany and Ecuador. In addition, they designed the programme’s curriculum, study plans and support the implementation of concrete methodologies for the companies (German Technical Cooperation – GIZ, 2020).
In June 2023, representatives of public institutions, associations and companies from the two Ibero-American countries travelled to Bonn, Stuttgart and Reutligen (Germany) to learn about the opportunities and challenges of dual training in technological and sustainable development in the wood industry (Digital Platform of the Peruvian State for Citizen Guidance, 2023).

In addition, in August of that year, CITEmadera Lima held a discussion on “Advances and challenges of dual vocational technical training in the wood and furniture industry”, within the framework of EXPODECO 2023, an event in which students and entrepreneurs who travelled to Germany shared their experiences and lessons learned.
Through this Triangular Initiative, the cooperation of Peru and Ecuador has contributed to the achievement of SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure) and SDG 4 (Quality education).
October 2024
Source: SEGIB based on Agencies and Directorates-General for Cooperation, German Technical Cooperation (2020) and Digital Platform of the Peruvian State for Citizen Orientation (2022) (2023).
Photographs: Technological Institute of Production on Digital Platform of the Peruvian State for Citizen Orientation –